Havelock Regeneration

The first phase of a major redevelopment of the Havelock Estate in Southall with Catalyst Housing and in partnership with Ealing Council. This regeneration scheme will provide 922 new homes, 53% of which will be affordable homes. The estate will remain predominantly low-rise with 65% of the new homes constructed as houses with a few larger scale feature apartment buildings at key locations, ranging in height from six to eight-storeys.

The development aims to deliver traditional streets and homes with the provision of a new green space at its heart. Some areas of the development are classified as Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs) and the client was keen to improve the connectivity of the public realm and access to the nearby Grand Union Canal while maintaining the established ecology of the area. Careful master planning will be undertaken, and additional high-end private housing and community facilities introduced to the estate.

The new homes will be designed to the old Code for Sustainable Homes Level 4. As part of this strategy a minimum of 215 sq m of brown roofs and 500 sq m of green roofs will be included to maximise the potential to create new habitats and valuable areas for biodiversity in this urban setting. Additionally, all new houses are to have photovoltaic panels to ensure the required energy efficiency standards can be met.

In addition to family housing there will be extra care apartments designed for Third Age Living, these units are aimed at helping older people remain independent, healthy and productive. They will be constructed to Lifetime Homes Standards which ensure that the development is adaptable and appropriate to the changing needs of the future occupiers in accordance with policy of the London Plan.

We were initially appointed to support the planning application with the client's design team and were subsequently novated by Bouygues UK to continue work through to completion. As the site is a brownfield site several challenges became apparent during the detailed design phase. For example, an area of historic landfill was discovered under a significant area of the site. We therefore had to adapt our traditional shallow strip footing detail and research alternatives, such as vibro stone columns, to deal with the large depth of made ground in that area.

Currently on site. 

The initial site investigation also recommended enhanced gas protection measures however, after further testing and working alongside our geotechnical engineer, we were able to reduce the requirements for specific blocks of flats on the site. Finally, the site had three locations where we needed to negotiate build over agreements with Thames Water, including a relocation of an existing manhole at a depth of 10m below existing ground level and variations in length of a contiguous piled wall while bridging over a live sewer run.

Project Information


Catalyst Housing


Pollard Thomas Edwards




