Royal Festival Hall
Southbank, London

We worked with the Southbank Centre in collaboration with Allies and Morrison, on a major renovation and restoration of the auditorium and front of house for this Grade I listed building.

A new entrance has been created at the rear of the building, and the façade and interior spaces opened up to reveal the original design of the building. The auditorium was completely stripped out, the floor and seating removed, the wall coverings removed, the whole of the stage end demolished, the ceiling removed, and the attic spaces stripped out.

All elements were carefully restored and replaced to improve acoustics and audience comfort, all within the restrictions of the Grade I listing. A significant amount of restoration work within the hall was completed without having to close the facilities to the public. A new extension building constructed between the hall and the mainline railway houses staff offices.

Our design was to Stage D/E before it was taken on by the Design and Build Contractor. We then took on a monitoring role for the Southbank Centre.

Funding contributions were made from the Heritage Lottery Fund.

Completed 2007.

Project Information


Southbank Centre


Allies & Morrison




Dennis Gilbert


BCIA Conservation Award 2008
Civic Trust Special Awards Night Vision Award 2008
RIBA Award 2008
RIBA London Public Space Award 2008
Stirling Prize Shortlist 2008
