As a signatory of the Climate and Biodiversity Emergency Declaration in the Autumn of 2019, the Practice made a commitment to publicly share data with the wider industry with the aim of increasing awareness of embodied carbon within building structures.
Our original dataset was built based on carbon values sourced from the ICE database and contained embodied carbon figures for over 80 projects. Since its publication on our website it has been downloaded thousands of times. We were proud that this data was used by the IStructE to help with the creation of their SCORS carbon ratings system, which we have also adopted internally.
Our Climate Action Group has been working hard over the past year to improve and upgrade our carbon calculators and we now have industry-leading tools which are being used to assess the embodied carbon impacts of all our current projects.
The data previously shared has been expanded slightly and upgraded to cover all lifecycles of both the building and its component materials. We are once again happy to make this publicly available to anyone who wishes to use it by downloading the PDF file here. If you would like to request an excel format version, please email Ben Gholam
The data collected broadly represents projects completed prior to the end of 2020. The average embodied carbon within these designs is 341kgCO2e/m2, based on the ‘Cradle to Completion A1-A5’ lifecycle. This represents an ‘E’ rating on the SCORS system. Of the 85 projects assessed, only 1 achieved a SCORS rating of B (<200kgCO2e/m2) and none achieved an A rating.
As a practice we have decided to publicly declare a target for all our designs in 2021. This target will be set at 300kgCO2e/m2 – representing a ‘D’ rating. This target refers to the average score of all projects assessed over the course of the year and will represent an ambitious saving of around 13%. We will update this page regularly with the most recent results.